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Thursday, November 29, 2007

Two Years Gone By

Dear Friends,

My two year Peace Corps service in Namibia is soon coming to an end. I feel a huge sense of accomplishment mixed with a huge sense of loss approaching. It's a strange and scary feeling to be ending one part of my life, yet on the brink of the next stage of my life. However, I am hopeful the coming days and months will be filled with beautiful reunions and exciting transitions.

The last few weeks have been hard for me. Saying goodbye is never easy, especially when I may never see some of the people again who have been a huge part of my life. I will do my best to stay connected, and I hope one day to return to this beautiful country. It will not happen for a few years, but I want to return to see all the 4 and 5 year old children I've been working with....to sit down and speak with them in English. I also want to see the grade 4-7 kids I've taught this year get ready to graduate, to see where their lives are headed.

My plan as of now is to move to New York City. This has been a dream of mine since I left for Namibia in 2005, and I'm anxiously awaiting the moment my dream becomes a reality!

I want to thank all of you who have supported me in the last 2 years by sending cards, packages, and encouraging emails. It has meant a great deal to know you are behind me, supporting me in my efforts.

I'll do my best to thank you all.....
My Mom and Dad
My sis - Katherine
My Grandma -Lola
Gina and Kevin
Erin, Keith, Laney, Liam
Leann, Prabu, Ashwinn, Priya
Brandon, Jeff, Kyle, and Chase
Mary and Mike
My music teacher friends in Somerville, MA
My colleagues at the Healey School in Somerville, MA
Deb Hurley
My NC family

I'm very grateful to have had the chance to live and work in Namibia. I would not have been able to do it without you!

All of my best to you during this holiday season.



Blogger jeremy said...

what, none of the mariah contingent? i drove you around in a donkey cart, shirtless.

7:31 PM


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